Use of plant genetic resources in Yemen and suggestions for potential improvement

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Maeen Aljarmouzi
Khalil M Alsharjabi
Ahmed Amri


The study aimed to determine the present state of the use of plant genetic resources in Yemen during the period 2007–2023 and to identify potential improvements, relying on historical descriptive information as well as on primary and secondary information sources, with a focus on the case of the National Genetic Resources Center. For genebank-conserved accessions, the study identified limited achievements, the most important being the characterization and evaluation of 1,100 accessions of different crops. Significant progress was also made with the initiation of hybridization research programmes for various crops. However, the study identified several gaps and obstacles hindering the use of plant genetic resources and concluded with recommended measures to address them with the ultimate goal of effectively and efficiently using plant genetic assets to improve food and agriculture security in the country. In this regard, projects such as the ‘Rainfed Agriculture and Livestock’ funded by the World Bank, are taking steps to promote on-farm conservation of landraces of cereals and food legumes, including the establishment of Seed Producers Associations in five governorates.



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How to Cite
Aljarmouzi, M., Alsharjabi, K. M. and Ahmed Amri (2024) “Use of plant genetic resources in Yemen and suggestions for potential improvement”, Genetic Resources, 5(10), pp. 39–52. doi: 10.46265/genresj.VDWO8193.
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