Analysis of passport data of Sechium spp. from the Mexican chayote genebank in Huatusco, Veracruz
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Chayote (Sechium spp.) (Cucurbitaceae) is a Mesoamerican genus, with Mexico being the primary centre of biodiversity for four species: Sechium compositum, S. chinantlense, S. hintonii and S. edule. Mexico also hosts the only chayote genebank in the world, which follows a taxonomic arrangement for its intraspecific variants. Descriptive and multivariate techniques were used to analyze the passport data of the accessions conserved ex situ aiming to identify associations and similarity patterns to allow efficient management and origin traceability, stakeholder engagement, consumer preferences, destination, use and conservation practices. Results showed that 23% of the accessions belong to S. edule var. virens levis, 62.8% come from backyards, and 58.9% of the S. edule variants are kept and preserved by women. Interestingly, about 70.8% of the accessions are used for trading, and the rest for self-consumption. Multiple correspondence analyses showed that 27.24% of the first two components variation and the variables with the greatest phenotypic contribution were fruit flavour (sweet and bitter), condition of the populations (forest, ruderal-wild, orchard), fruit colour (yellow, light green), small size and flattened shape. The morphological boundaries of S. edule, S. compositum and S. chinantlense variants are defined by the fruit morphology. These findings from passport data analysis support the development of strategies for replacement, regeneration, distinction, genetic improvement, conservation and bioprospective studies.
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