Genetic improvement of indigenous cattle breeds in Ethiopia: A systematic review of the Fogera cattle open nucleus breeding scheme
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Fogera cattle are one of the valuable indigenous milk-type local breeds of Ethiopia, widely adapted to the area around Lake Tana in the Amhara region. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the performance of the Fogera cattle breed under an open nucleus breeding scheme. The review was done systematically by collecting published and unpublished data sources on the breed. The overall milk yield of the nucleus Fogera cattle herd was 2.26±0.794L/day. From the total herd, the top 10% and 25% of them produced daily milk yields of 3.31 and 2.87L, respectively, and some elite cows gave an average of 5.45±0.73L/day with a maximum yield of 8L/day. The predicted 305-day milk yield for the top 10% and 25% of the total herd was 883.64 and 772.83L, respectively. The average lactation milk yield and lactation length were reported to be 489±184L and 243±72.79 days, respectively. The respective heritability estimates for the aforementioned traits were 0.20±0.23 and 0.27±0.001. The birth and weaning weights (at 8 months of age) of village Fogera cattle born from community-based breeding programmes (CBBP) were 23.77±.21 and 85.89±1.07kg, respectively. The average weaning age for the CBBP herds was reduced to 8 months. The overall calf mortality in the nucleus herd was 3%. The CBBP demonstrated that it could act as a significant entry point for ensuring the conservation and restocking efforts of this breed as a country asset.
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