Organization of plant Biological Resource Centers for research in France: History, evolution and current status
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Since their inception, the French academic organizations dedicated to agricultural research have developed plant collections in genebanks, often within a public–private framework, to support the study of plant traits and the development of new improved varieties. In addition, since the 2000s, a centre for genomic resources has also been established in France. Over the last 20 years, this decentralized system, consisting of the academic genebanks and the centre for genomic resources, has been supported by a national coordination structure. The objectives were to align the network activities with the framework proposed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for Biological Resource Centres and to foster collaboration with other national stakeholders involved in the conservation and characterization of plant genetic resources (PGR). In 2015, the network was named BRC4Plants and become part of the French National Research Infrastructure RARe (, supported by the French Ministry of Research. This paper describes BRC4Plants, its users, services and cross-cutting activities. We also highlight its relations with its national and international stakeholders involved in the conservation and characterization of PGRs. BRC4Plants aims to be a key player in addressing societal and research challenges regarding agroecology, climate change mitigation and healthy food systems.
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