The state of conservation of animal genetic resources in Slovakia
To effectively conserve animal genetic resources, countries need to periodically review their conservation efforts and reflect on actual problems and challenges. This study provides a review of animal genetic resources conservation activities, as well as the related existing legislative measures, strategies and funding in Slovakia. We present the development of endangered and supported breeds, discuss the impact of subsidies and the importance of awareness raising, and provide a SWOT analysis of the current animal genetic resources conservation framework in the country. In Slovakia, conservation is primarily based on animal breeding in natural conditions (in situ) without any limitations to breed improvement, and cryoconservation of animal genetic resources is in its initial phase. Most of the funding for conservation measures is provided by the Rural Development Programme. In general, the animal genetic resources system in Slovakia is open in terms of including new breeds eligible for support and this paper shows that the provided subsidies helped to stabilize most of the supported populations. Promoting the presence, characteristics and advantages of local breeds in times of intensive import of exotic breeds into the country is crucial to motivate breeders to prefer local livestock breeds. While the future challenge for the government is to improve conservation and facilitate related activities, research should address not only diversity, pedigree studies and cryoconservation, but also focus on the characterization of animal genetic resources for food security and climate change.
biodiversity, conservation, animal genetic resources, endangered breeds, genebank
Biodiversity for food and agriculture is indispensable to food security, sustainable development and the supply of many vital ecosystem services (FAO, 2019). Animal genetic resources (AnGR) are also sources of social and cultural benefits. Their contribution to a country’s economy is not just in the form of animal products but also of employment opportunities for people in rural regions. AnGR are also an important part of landscape management and the agrotourism sector.
Despite all their roles and characteristics, according to the Second Report on the State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), 17% of all breeds are classified as being “at risk of extinction” (FAO, 2015). In the case of local breeds, the main reason for rapid erosion is the lack of economic profitability (Gandini & Oldenbroek, 1999). This is closely related to the import of specialized and highly productive breeds, and their cross-breeding with local breeds.
Recently, local breeds are getting more attention thanks to their adaptability to local environmental conditions, their suitability for extensive agriculture and their expected roles in climate change adaptation. The increasing interest of consumers in animal production brings challenges but also opportunities to breeders. Advances in biotechnologies lead to more intensive research on the genetic level, increasing demands for establishing genebanks and providing AnGR material from already existing genebanks (Groeneveld et al., 2016).
Countries adopt different policies and implement different approaches to address the conservation and use of AnGR, including local and endangered breeds, and to raise awareness of the need to conserve them. The main guidance is provided by the Global Plan of Action (GPA) for Animal Genetic Resources (FAO, 2007) and implementation progress in the four priority areas is monitored. The latest results show that globally, the greatest progress in the last years was achieved in the field of policies, institutions and capacity-building, while the lowest progress was achieved in conservation (Cao et al., 2021).
This review aims to provide a summary of the activities related to AnGR conservation in the Slovak Republic, with examples of the development and conservation of several breeds in the country. The information provided here should serve as a starting point in the preparation of the national strategy for the conservation of AnGR in the Slovak Republic.
History of AnGR in the Slovak Republic
Slovakia is located in the heart of Europe and its relatively small area has made it difficult to maintain its local livestock breeds. In the past, intensive imports and crossbreeding contributed to forming the actual livestock diversity in the country. The main drivers for change in livestock diversity were improving performance and adaptedness of local breeds, often directed by landowners or the government. In the second half of the 20th century, the intensification of animal production and planned agriculture led to the creation of a list of recognized and allowed breeds (Act No. 110/1972 Coll. on livestock breeding, Edict 108/1974 on Act No. 110/1972), which could be kept by cooperatives and farmers, and contributed to a narrowing of livestock diversity. The massive planned use of Holstein bulls for crossing with Slovak Spotted and Slovak Pinzgau cows led to a decrease in both populations (Kadlečík, Hazuchová, Pavlík, & Kasarda, 2013). Unifying existing breeds contributed to the loss of within-breed diversity. For example, in the case of the Valachian sheep, which was considered undeveloped in the starting period of intensification, the planned unification and improvement of the population led to the loss of diversity of exterior animal characteristics (colour varieties, horn shapes). Similar to other countries, mechanization in agriculture and decline of their use in the army during the second half of the 20th century had a significant effect on horse populations. Their number decreased dramatically and has not recovered to this day. In those times, there was no national interest in the conservation of local breeds and some of them became completely extinct in the country (e.g., Red Carpathian and Gray Carpathian cattle). To improve production and adaptedness, new specialized breeds were created. In poultry, the Oravka breed was developed for adaptation to the colder regions of northern Slovakia following a request from the government. The breed became a favourite among small breeders, spreading around the whole country, and its current population is estimated to be up to 9,000 animals. On the other hand, some of the new breeds created were outperformed by other specialized and well-established breeds or their breeding process failed in later phases and these breeds became extinct (e.g. Slovak White and Slovak meaty pig). In horses, the creation of three breeds started in this period, including Noric of Murany, Slovak Sport Pony and Slovak Warmblood.
After the political changes in the 1990s in Central Europe, agriculture and animal production started to transform and the overall number of livestock decreased rapidly in these countries (Oravcová et al., 2004). For example, at the breed level, in 30 years the number of Slovak Pinzgau cattle decreased from more than 90,000 at the end of the 1980s to just 11,000 at present. The Improved Valachain sheep population decreased from almost 200,000 in the mid-1990s to 100,000 animals, currently. Some breeds became endangered according to effective population size (Table 1). Breeders started to import exotic specialized breeds to improve production and be competitive at the international level. These changes put more pressure on the breeds with a long tradition in the country. While most of the breeders were improving production, some turned their attention to endangered breeds and also breeds that were already extinct in the country. Thanks to common history (Czechoslovakia, Austro-Hungarian monarchy), animals from these breeds could still be found in neighbouring countries and the exchange of these animals allowed the recovery of their populations in Slovakia. In the case of the almost extinct Valachian sheep, in the 1990s, breeders started to select phenotypically acceptable animals from the Improved Valachian population and have continued to import animals from breeders in the Czech Republic, who have maintained the rest of the original Valachian population. Occasional imports of Valachian sheep from Germany, where a part of the Valachian sheep population was exported in the 1990s, have also occurred. Since the exchange of breeding animals between Slovakia and neighbouring countries continues, most of the breeds can be considered as being transboundary in terms of FAO definitions (FAO, 2005). Due to common history and changes in animal production, including intensive crossbreeding, it is quite difficult to strictly distinguish between native and non-native breeds. There is no legal definition of an autochthonous/native/traditional breed in the country and no legal criteria are set for the recognition of an endangered breed. However, references to generally accepted autochthonous or traditional breeds can be found across the literature (Kadlečík, Hazuchová, Moravčíková, Kukučková, & Kasarda, 2017; Oravcová et al., 2006; Weis & Hrnčár, 2009; Šidlová et al., 2015). While a common understanding of autochthonous breeds was also reported in Poland, Austria has a more precise definition, which includes breeds having a herdbook in Austria before 1938, or ample evidence that they have always been present and bred in a part of Austria, or stem from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and have had relations to regions of Austria (Kompan, 2014).
Species |
Breed |
Males (M) |
Females (F) |
Endangerment class |
Cattle |
Slovak Pinzgau |
31 |
2,025 |
Endangered |
Sheep |
Valachian |
45 |
907 |
Endangered |
Tsigai |
360 |
5,613 |
Monitored |
Improved Valachian |
616 |
8,175 |
Not endangered |
Askanian Merino |
6 |
68 |
Critically endangered |
Goat |
White shorthaired |
50 |
708 |
Endangered |
Brown shorthaired |
9 |
81 |
Critically endangered |
Horse |
Lipitsa |
6 |
165 |
Critically endangered |
Shagya arab |
16 |
154 |
Critically endangered |
Hutsul |
7 |
133 |
Critically endangered |
Furioso |
17 |
161 |
Critically endangered |
Nonius |
7 |
28 |
Critically endangered |
Noric of Murany |
18 |
137 |
Critically endangered |
Slovak Sport Pony |
7 |
84 |
Critically endangered |
Slovak Warmblood |
16 |
857 |
Critically endangered |
In poultry, big producers use hybrids, while continuous breeding activities of small farmers have led to the creation of new colour and dwarf types. For example, in the case of Oravka chicken, three new colour types and dwarf types have been created since the original type's official recognition in 1990. The number of registered breeders, which can be considered a reliable source of breeding animals, is small and thus the number of breeding animals is also small compared to the population size (Table 2). Similarly in rabbits, big producers use hybrids. Breeding activities of small farmers are considered a hobby and are focused on the stabilization of existing and newly created breeds' characteristics as well as the creation of new breeds. The estimated size of rabbit populations and the number of breeding animals reflect the length of a breed’s existence (Table 2). While populations of breeds recognized before 1990 are estimated to be more than 200 animals strong (Blue of Holic, Nitra, Slovak Greyblue rex, Zemplin), populations of breeds recognized after this year are smaller.
Species |
Breed |
Population |
Males (M) |
Females (F) |
Endangerment class |
Chicken |
Oravka |
9,000 |
59 |
465 |
Endangered |
Goose |
Suchovy |
250 |
19 |
33 |
Critically endangered |
Slovak White |
270 |
22 |
40 |
Critically endangered |
Rabbit |
Blue of Holic |
420 |
30 |
80 |
Endangered |
Liptovsky Lysko |
160 |
20 |
42 |
Critically endangered |
Nitra |
1,250 |
38 |
200 |
Endangered |
Slovak Pastel rex |
105 |
15 |
40 |
Critically endangered |
Slovak Greyblue rex |
600 |
28 |
92 |
Endangered |
Zemplin |
280 |
15 |
55 |
Critically endangered |
Zobor |
60 |
8 |
18 |
Critically endangered |
Strbsky gepardi rex |
100 |
15 |
35 |
Critically endangered |
Chrabrany |
120 |
19 |
38 |
Critically endangered |
Legislation and policies
The Slovak Republic signed the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) in 1993 and became a Party to the CBD after approval in the following year. Issues related to biodiversity and its protection fall under the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic. After affirmation of its commitments in 2007 (Interlaken Declaration on Animal Genetic Resources (FAO, 2007)), the Slovak Republic started to implement the GPA for Animal Genetic Resources. According to Strategic Priority 20 of the GPA for Animal Genetic Resources (FAO, 2007), countries should periodically review their national policies in order to investigate their direct and indirect effects on the use, development and conservation of AnGR. At present, the main responsibility for AnGR conservation in the country lies on the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and NPPC – Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra (National Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources in Slovakia). In the Slovak Republic, the most important legislative measure is Act No. 194 of 1998 Coll. (last amended in 2020) on livestock breeding, which, in general, specifies the rights and duties of authorized breeders’ associations to carry out their professional activities connected with animal breeding. It also addresses endangered breeds to a limited extent. Similar to the EU regulation 2016/1012 (EU, 2016), the national Act No. 194/1998 under Paragraph 3 Section 1e) lists the protection of endangered populations and provision of livestock genetic reserves as an important part of breeding development. Although recently not strictly followed, under Paragraph 2 Section 7 of Act No. 194/1998, protected farms are defined as farms keeping animals of endangered breeds that are used for the conservation of the breed's genepool and maintenance of its historical value. According to Paragraph 13 Section 2 of Act No. 194/1998, the transfer of breeding stock and genetic reserves originating from such farms should be controlled and permitted only after approval of the state. Contrary to this general approach, there are legislative acts of neighbouring countries, where the legislative basis for AnGR conservation, especially the setting of a national conservation programme, is part of the breeding acts (e.g. Czech Republic – Paragraph 14 of Act No. 154/2000 Coll. (last amended in 2021) (breeding act), or Poland – Art. 34 of Coll. of Laws 2021, item 36, act on the organization of breeding and reproduction of farm animals). Based on the Slovak National Act, there are authorized breeders’ associations responsible for breeding the main livestock species including cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, rabbits and poultry. These associations maintain breeding books, studbooks and breeding registers and are providing information to the National Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources in Slovakia as part of the regular AnGR monitoring. Authorized breeders’ associations differ in organization and number of breeds managed. For instance, the Slovak Pinzgau cattle are represented by an association solely responsible for this breed, thus making it easier to promote and take actions aimed at this particular breed. On the other hand, Valachian sheep are represented by an association responsible for several breeds of sheep and goats. All the activities are undertaken by the association. A group of breeders has been created within this association to improve collaboration and the breeding process of Valachian sheep. The same applies to the breeders of poultry (different groups according to species and breeds) and rabbits. In horses, National Stud is responsible for managing the studbook of Lipitsa, Hutsul, Arab and Shagya Arab. Studbooks of other breeds, except for English Thoroughbred, are managed by one horse breeders’ association.
Regarding AnGR cryoconservation, the national legislation addresses only insemination centres with no considerations or exceptions for endangered breeds conservation and genebank activities. A description of the technical requirements for establishing genebanks is lacking, and so far, only scientific experience and rules for insemination centres are followed. The same applies to requirements for the acquisition and use of AnGR samples stored in genebanks. The actual status of the national veterinary legislation (Act No. 39/2007 Coll. (last amended in 2021) on veterinary care) therefore does not address and reflect the actual needs of AnGR conservation in the country and further steps are needed to fill this gap.
The Slovak Republic became a Party to the Nagoya Protocol (CBD, 2011) in 2016. The responsibility for the Nagoya Protocol implementation in the Slovak Republic lies with the Ministry of Environment. In order to facilitate access to its AnGR and taking into account that almost all livestock breeds in Slovakia are considered transboundary, Slovakia decided not to control access to its AnGR. Following the EU regulation 511/2014 (EU, 2014), the Slovak national law (Act. No. 263/2015 Coll. on competences in the area of access to genetic resources and sharing of benefits arising from their utilization) sets only rules for the users of genetic resources falling under the Nagoya Protocol.
The national legislation pays limited attention to endangered breeds and their conservation and lacks direct strategies for AnGR conservation. These are partly compensated for by a few cross-sectorial strategies that refer to AnGR. As part of biodiversity, some actions related to AnGR conservation were included in the Updated National Strategy For Biodiversity Protection 2020 (MZP SR, 2013). These were broadly defined, and included monitoring of AnGR, support for in situ conservation of traditional breeds, genetic analysis of diversity, support for ex situ conservation, including the development of a genebank, and identification of ecosystem services provided by AnGR. To a certain extent, the inclusion of these activities into the strategy may be considered a formality since they have been carried out even before the strategy was adopted, and the funds for most of them were allocated regardless of the strategy. Additional issues related to AnGR have been also addressed in the updated version of the Adaptation Strategy of the Slovak Republic to Climate Change (MZP SR, 2018). The disadvantage of including AnGR conservation in multiple strategies is that some activities may be duplicated, for example, the monitoring of livestock species. Moreover, the number of AnGR conservation activities has increased over time and new conservation approaches are being applied. Therefore, cross-sectoral policies are no longer sufficient to address specific activities related to AnGR conservation, as demonstrated in the case of poultry breeders. While cross-sectoral policies have been grouping the main responsible AnGR stakeholders from different biodiversity sectors, the involvement of small stakeholders that are important from an AnGR perspective has been very limited. While the overall AnGR monitoring was included in the strategy, no attention was paid to gaps and the limited registration system of local poultry breeds and farmers in the country. This led to further problems in providing financial support to these farmers. The limited implementation of the actions listed in the cross-sectoral policies resulted also from the lack of funding since not all actions have financial cover granted. In contrast to this approach, functional conservation programmes have been implemented across European countries, which have been closely tied with funds provided by the EU (Ligda & Zjalic, 2011).
The livestock monitoring system in the Slovak Republic is based on the use of already existing data. Population data for monitoring purposes come from two sources. The first is the Breeding Services of the Slovak Republic, a state enterprise which provides actual sizes of cattle, horse, goat and sheep populations at the breed level. These data represent the number of obligatory registered livestock animals according to the breed. The reliability of these data is very high since this obligation applies to all farmers of the four mentioned species and the portion of non-registered animals is assumed to be negligible from a population size perspective. Horse breeding has some specificities and discrepancies exist in their registration, therefore the final number of animals is estimated based on data from the register and numbers from studbooks. The second source of data is the authorized breeders’ associations which maintain the herdbooks/studbooks and breeding registers, and provide relevant information on registered breeding animals. Although it does not cover the whole population, this information is of high interest, because these animals represent the part of the populations that can actively participate in the breeding process and serve as a basis to create future generations. It provides the numbers of purebred and crossbred animals and a picture of crossbreeding in the populations. To compare between years and exclude fluctuations during the year, actual numbers relevant for the last day of the previous year are used in the monitoring. The reliability of information on cattle, horses, goats, sheep and pigs is high since it comes from reliable existing registration sources. On the other hand, information on poultry and rabbits is less reliable since the registration of animals of these species is limited and some information is based on estimates. This arises from the fact that while registration is obligatory for every animal from big livestock species, only farmers with more than 350 poultry animals are obliged to register them. Furthermore, due to the already mentioned fact that purebred animals of local breeds are mostly kept by small farmers and in small numbers as a hobby activity, limited information on the population size is available. A similar situation can be observed in the registration of purebred animals of these species, as only a few small farmers keep track of their animals' pedigree and performance. Similar obstacles were reported in the Czech Republic (MZe CR, 2017). In this situation, since the identification of eligible farmers/animals is very complicated, the breeding process becomes difficult and financial support from the state is limited.
Although population data are available for most breeds, active monitoring is performed only for those breeds that are considered established in the country. This is due to the high fluctuation of exotic breeds in the Slovak Republic and to the limited information about small populations of those breeds in the country. The examples of Tarantaise cattle or Lincoln sheep show the farmers' enthusiasm for exotic breeds. However, they were unable to keep breeding them for different reasons, and currently, there are less than ten animals of these breeds in the country. In 2020, more detailed monitoring included 15 cattle, 11 horse, 27 sheep, 5 goat, 6 pig, 49 rabbit, 21 chicken, 3 duck and 3 goose breeds. Among those breeds, 34 were considered autochthonous or traditionally kept in the country, 6 new and 100 exotic. Results of monitoring were used to evaluate the status of endangered breeds (Tomka & Huba, 2019; Tomka, Oravcová, & Huba, 2016) and to update population data in FAO’s Domestic Animal Diversity Information System.
In addition to population monitoring, communicating with breeders of endangered breeds to understand their needs and expectations is important. This was already shown byWanner, Pröbstl-Haider, and Feilhammer (2021) who interviewed farmers of German-speaking parts of the Alps and found that the opinions and expectations of farmers differ from studies and opinions of other stakeholders. A short survey among the registered breeders of Valachian sheep (11 out of 14) and Askanian Merino sheep (1 out of 1), Slovak White goose(5 out of 8) and Suchovy goose (9 out of 11), was conducted by NPPC in 2017 and 2018. The survey aimed to investigate the breeders’ motivation for the choice of breed, their breeding purposes and future plans for endangered breeds in Slovakia. The results of the survey can help predict trends in these populations since it provides a glimpse of the breeders’ attitudes towards monitored endangered breeds. Some outputs of this survey are presented and discussed in this review to show the breeders' motivation and attitudes.
The AnGR conservation activities in the Slovak Republic are primarily oriented toward measures supporting in situ breeding of live animals by private bodies (cooperatives, farmers). This way, endangered breeds can be further developed and continually adapted, e.g., to changing climate conditions (FAO, 2013). There are no restrictions on breeding goals compared to other European countries, where breeders have to commit to maintaining the traditional characteristics of the animals. For instance, for the Slovak Pinzgau cattle, part of the population has already been transformed from dual-purpose to beef production (cow–calf system) (Pavlík, Kadlečík, Kasarda, Šidlová, & Žitný, 2013). The reason for changing to a cow–calf system may be explained by the fact that the Slovak Pinzgau cattle is still predominantly kept in big herds owned by cooperatives and expected to make a profit primarily from milk production. Therefore, cooperatives have to either improve the milk performance of animals (through e.g. crossbreeding, choice of a different breed) or change the orientation of production. A positive change trend toward beef production is shown by the numbers of living cows registered in different sections of the herdbook (dual-purpose vs. beef). While 1,030 purebred dual-purpose cows and 667 beef cows were reported in 2012 in the population of Slovak Pinzgau cattle, the opposite ratio was reported in 2020, i.e. 841 purebred dual-purpose cows and 1,183 beef cows. At the moment, animals of both groups are eligible for financial support. Although this free approach allows breeds to change their breeding purposes and become more competitive, it can also bring tensions within breeding organizations (Lauvie et al., 2011). At the moment, there are no disagreements on the two different types of Slovak Pinzgau in the association. However, this may change in the future if beef animals divert significantly from the dual-purpose type. A different approach to in situ conservation of AnGR with defined requirements is applied in the Czech Republic, where conditions for animal breeding must be as similar as possible to those in which the breed was developed, and modern breeding technologies should be used to a limited extent. Most importantly, the selection of animals is not aimed at improving their performance, but at stabilizing their characteristics and/or maintaining their original characteristics (MZe CR, 2017). An approach based on maintaining the animals' original characteristics can be found in the Valachian sheep population in Slovakia. At the moment, the selection of animals is based primarily on exterior characteristics, since the breed is known for its different colours of wool and different types of horns. Less pressure on selection for productivity traits in this breed may be explained by their ownership. These animals are mostly kept by small farmers as a hobby and for agrotourism, or by cooperatives along with other more productive sheep breeds. The results of the short survey conducted by NPPC showed that resilience, low requirements for feeding and adaptation to the local environment were the most mentioned advantages of these animals. A similar situation can be observed in poultry and rabbit populations. In Oravka chicken, selection is based primarily on exterior characteristics. This comes as no surprise since the breeding of these animals is considered a hobby activity or is done to ensure small-farmers self-sufficiency.
One of the disadvantages of in situ conservation, especially in small populations, is the risk of increasing inbreeding. The responsibility for following breeding programmes and maintaining low inbreeding levels lies with breeders’ associations. Therefore, cooperation between breeders’ associations and research and academic institutions is crucial for the effective development and implementation of breeding programmes. Recently, several national research projects have been carried out to study the actual status of local breeds populations, and published papers showed different levels of inbreeding in several cattle and horse populations. While pedigree-based inbreeding under the acceptable level of 1% was estimated in Slovak Spotted and Slovak Pinzgau populations of cattle (Kasarda, Kadlečík, Trakovická, & Moravčíková, 2019; Kukučková et al., 2017), genomic analyses showed higher levels of inbreeding and thus increasing trends of inbreeding are expected in both populations. A low level of pedigree-based inbreeding (0.23%) and genomic inbreeding (0.11%) was observed in the relatively small population of Noric of Murany (Kasarda et al., 2019). Sufficient levels of variability were observed in the populations of Lipitsa, Furioso and Nonius (Kasarda, Moravčíková, & Kadlečík, 2018). In older studies (Pjontek, Kadlečík, Kasarda, & Horný, 2012), which investigated populations of horses, higher levels of relatedness and expected higher levels of inbreeding based on pedigree information were reported in the population of Hutsul (6.26%) and Slovak Sport Pony (2.67%). A preliminary assessment of inbreeding trends in Valachian sheep (Oravcová & Margetín, 2011) showed a lack of pedigree information in animals resulting in unclear coefficients of inbreeding, while a more recent analysis (Pavlík, Kočík, Reľovský, Margetín, & Šutý, 2017) showed a low average coefficient of inbreeding (0.85%). A low level of pedigree-based inbreeding (0.69%) was also calculated in the population of White Shorthaired goats (Oravcová, 2013).
Other conservation activities include in situ and ex situ conservation of live animals by state organizations. While horse breeds (Noric of Murany, Lipitsa, Hutsul, Shagya Arab) are maintained in situ, live sheep (Valachian) and chicken (Oravka) are conserved ex situ. Conservation activities of the state organizations are aimed mostly at stabilizing and maintaining the original characteristics of these breeds. Additionally, two of these organizations also receive national funds for the long-term storage of AnGR samples. While National Stud provides long-term storage of horse breeds samples (samples are stored as a reserve and are not distributed to breeders), the Genebank of the National Agricultural and Food Centre (GB NPPC-VUZV) stores samples of other livestock species and breeds. This is similar to other European countries, where the long-term storage of AnGR is mostly carried out by public research institutes (Passemard, Joly, Duclos, & Danchin-Burge, 2018). Samples stored in GB NPPC-VUZV are owned by the state and are expected to be available for cooperation with breeders and research purposes. In the past, private and public insemination centres used to cooperate on the storage of samples for conservation purposes. This is the case of the Slovak Pinzgau cattle, whose old bull lines were kept by a private insemination centre for commercial and long-term storage purposes. Due to costs associated with cryoconservation, the Slovak Pinzgau samples were later transferred to GB NPPC-VUZV. There was no involvement of Slovak Pinzgau breeders in the process of animal and sample selection. Currently, there is no information available on the number of long-term samples stored by these private insemination centres. The participation of the private sector in long-term conservation activities, however, should be restored because it can reduce collection development costs (Pizzi, Turri, Gliozzi, & Gandini, 2016). Moreover, it is assumed that the private sector storing samples of transboundary commercial breeds can allow the public sector to focus more on the country's local and endangered breeds. In December 2021, GB NPPC-VUZV reported 3,058 samples, from which the majority is represented by semen samples from 12 breeds and 4 species (cattle, sheep, chicken, rabbit). These represent mainly endangered local breeds including Slovak Pinzgau cattle, Valachian sheep, Oravka chicken, Blue of Holic, Nitra, Slovak Greyblue rex and Zobor rabbit. In the case of Valachian sheep and Oravka chicken, samples are primarily collected from animals kept ex situ in vivo by NPPC-VUZV. This means, that there is no involvement of breeders in the process of sample selection and only limited participation of breeders in providing samples to the genebank. The predominant storing of semen is understandable here and across other countries (Leroy et al., 2019) and may be explained by the long and routine use of artificial insemination in some breeds. The collection of samples for long-term storage in GB NPPC-VUZV is rather random, not following any conservation plan or breed-specific attributes (e.g. endangerment, economic return). Such an opportunistic approach was already presented by Blackburn (2009), who described the initial phase of germplasm collection development in the USA. In 2021, GB NPPC-VUZV has become a member of the European Genebank Network for Animal Genetic Resources (EUGENA). This step should help to increase the genebank visibility at the national level and improve cooperation at the international level. From the transboundary breeds perspective, joining the network in combination with strategic collection and storage planning can lead to saving cryoconservation costs in the future (Silva, Ahmadi, Hiemstra, & Moran, 2019). On the other hand, joining the network does not imply that overlapping of collected AnGR samples should be strictly avoided (Danchin-Burge, Hiemstra, & Blackburn, 2011).
Funding and valorization
In order to identify endangered breeds requiring support, breed definitions by FAO (2005) have been followed and endangerment of breeds has been evaluated by the National Focal Point for AnGR in agreement with the rules laid down by the current European legislation. As a result of this approach, different breeds have been supported during the last decades based on their needs. The open approach of the Slovak Republic is demonstrated, for instance, by the Askanian Merino sheep breed. Although not originating in Slovakia, this breed has become eligible for subsidies because of its long breeding tradition in the country, its unique wool performance and its status of critically endangered breed not just at country level but also in the EU. With such an approach, immediate actions can be taken to support critically endangered breeds.
In the mid-1990s, state incentives were provided for live purebred females, but the support varied in the amount per head and number of breeds, because public funds were limited (Oravcová et al., 2004). In 2003 these incentives supported two cattle breeds (Slovak Spotted, Slovak Pinzgau), seven horse breeds (Hutsul, Lipitsa, Furioso, Nonius, Shagya-Arab, Noric of Murany, Slovak Sport Pony), three sheep breeds (Valachian, Improved Valachian, Tsigai) and three poultry breeds (Oravka hen, Slovak White goose), including Japanese quail.
After joining the European Union in 2004, a new funding scheme for in situ conservation of endangered breeds was applied. Support was provided through the Rural Development Plan (MP SR, 2003) as in many other European countries (Ligda et al., 2011). In the period 2004–2006 this support was provided only to one sheep (Valachian), one goat (White Shorthaired), eight horse (Slovak Warmblood, Hutsul, Furioso, Nonius, Slovak Sport Pony, Lipitsa, Shagya Arab, Noric of Murany) and nine poultry breeds (Oravka hen, Plymouth Rock hen, Rhode Island Red hen, New Hampshire hen, Vlaska hen, Sussex hen, Slovak White goose, Suchovy goose and Bronze turkey). Due to significant changes in the list of supported breeds, one can argue there have been inconsistencies in the approach and big pressure from breeders to include other breeds on the list of supported ones. The main changes in the list of supported breeds were the consequence of the transition from very limited national funds to European funds. Also, new conditions for support were set after joining the EU. During this period, the number of registered purebred females in herdbooks decreased in Slovak Pinzgau cattle (Table 3). Unfortunately, no data were available to present the trend of registered females of Valachian sheep and White Shorthaired goat, which were supported in this period. However, it can be assumed that this number increased in Valachian sheep and decreased in White Shorthaired goats (Table 3). In horses, the number of registered females increased in Lipitsa, Shagya Arab, Hutsul, Furioso and Slovak Sport Pony, decreased in Noric of Murany and stayed at low levels in Nonius.